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Landlords on ‘thin ice’ when it comes to energy efficiency
Landlords on ‘thin ice’ when it comes to energy efficiency
With just six months to go until strict new legislation governing the energy efficiency of rental properties comes into force, landlords in Hampshire are still not up to speed according to new research.
According to the poll by insurer AXA, one in 20 private rental properties still falls short of new minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES).
And with landlords who fail to comply facing fines of up to £4,000, home improvement specialist KJM Group is urging private landlords to act now or face substantial penalties.
Mark Pearce, Managing Director, KJM Group, said: “The Government is trying to make homes warmer and to reduce carbon emissions by improving the thermal efficiency of UK housing stock.
“This is key for lots of reasons. Rental properties are among the most energy inefficient in the UK, lagging behind owner-occupied homes. This means that CO2 emissions and heating costs are high.
“MEES are essentially a stick to force those landlords who may have resisted energy efficient improvements to their rental properties to make them.”
Made law in March 2015, from 1 April 2018 it will be illegal for a private landlord to let a property with an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating lower than E to a new tenant. MEES will also apply to all existing tenancies from 01 April 2020.
But according to the new study by AXA, far too many properties still fall into the F-G category, which means that their owners must make improvements between now and 1st April.
Windows account for around 25 per cent of the total energy lost from UK residential properties (Energy Saving Trust) with new energy efficient double and triple-glazed windows delivering significantly improved performance over and above single or even older double-glazed units.
“We really are now on a count-down, with less than six months to go until MEES come into force including Christmas, so there really is an onus on landlords to act now”, said Pearce. “Energy efficient windows and doors can make a massive contribution to improving the energy efficiency of properties, and we would encourage any residential landlords who haven’t yet done so to get in touch now.”
The survey also underscored the vast discrepancy in energy bills paid by those tenants in the most energy efficient properties compared to the most inefficient. Those living in a Band A property paid an average of £61 per month for energy, while those in Bands F to G paid almost double, at £112.
Serving Hampshire and surrounding counties including Wiltshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Surrey and West Sussex, KJM Group supplies hundreds of energy efficient wooden and PVC-U windows and doors each year. These achieve top u-values and very highest Window Energy Ratings (WERS), including WER A++.
For more information on energy efficient windows and doors visit kjmgroup.co.uk email or call the team on 01264 359355 or [email protected].