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Ultion Door Lock Cylinders
Ultion Door Lock Cylinders
Lock snapping is a growing security concern within the door industry. The new buzz-words are cylinder snapping , lock bumping or lock snapping. Lock snapping is a common method used by unwanted intruders to break into property that has euro cylinders installed. Almost all properties that have PVC doors and a number of composite & aluminium doors use euro-cylinders as well. The truthful fact is that millions of doors fitted in the UK today can be opened quietly in under 10 seconds with normal tools. Experts in door and lock security the Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) have recommend 3 different ways to prevent lock snapping. There are many different types of lock cylinder on the market, so most people are now asking which cylinder for their front or back door is the most secure and ultimately will help protect them against lock snapping?
Ultion cylinders are relatively new to the market and unlike most cylinders are an eleven pin lock, the standard lock is usually a five pin lock. This creates 294,970 combinations of lock, an impressive figure when you consider high street banks only specify 100,000.
When an Ultion lock detects forced entry it activates an attack lock directly into the central cam, this is Lock Down Mode. Even if the most determined intruder gets past Ultion’s two sacrificial sections they won’t get to the attack lock because it is protected deep inside a solid molybdenum core and secured with a dedicated retaining pin.
Molybdenum is used in high strength super-alloys. Its sixth highest melting point of any alloy and ability to withstand pressures up to 300,000 pounds per square inch are why it features in the production of military air craft and housing the attack lock in Ultion. There are actually eight hardened steel drill defences before reaching this core.
Ultion meets the highest TS007 standard (3 star) without needing to be bolstered with support of cylinder protectors or extra secure door handles. Sold Secure Diamond is a test developed in conjunction with the MLA. These impressive standards are backed up with a £1000 guarantee if an intruder snaps the Ultion lock and breaks into your home.
The Ultion keys are available with a range of colour coded caps (Keycap) so you can identify which key is for which door. Keyring brings all the benefits of Keycap with built in Bluetooth. You can track or activate the alarm in your keys from your phone and you'll never lose them again. Using the free app your smartphone can guide you toward a lost Ultion key in moments. An added benefit of this is, you can also use TrackR to find your phone, pets or luggage. All you need to do is download the app and pair your smartphone with KeyRing.
The App is available in both iOS and Android.
Most locks require looking after and the Ultion cylinder is no different. Very little effort is needed to look after your lock. This is the result of precision engineering and looked after properly it will protect your home for many years. To maintain the smooth operation a well installed Ultion lock just needs lubricating every 6 months.
Ultion locks are available across our door range and can be viewed in our showroom in Andover Hampshire.
Download our free Ultion Cylinder Brochure